HEARTY DUTCH STEWS Varied short documentaries showcasing Dutch realities HEARTY DUTCH STEWS Varied short documentaries showcasing Dutch realities Director Various Running Time 83 min. Country Netherlands Year 2024 Language Dutch Subtitles English Type Short Tickets https://tickets.ketelhuis.nl/ketelhuis/nl/flow_configs/webshop/steps/start/show/1128533 Event Starts 3/23/25 11:00 AM Event Ends 3/23/25 1:00 PM Location Ketelhuis 1 Preview image Preview image hearty_dutch_stews.jpg Preview image alt tag Settings Versioning enabled yes Short name hearty-dutch-stews Layout Blocks { "0a082c12-db98-4ff4-bcbe-96ef8645dee5": { "@type": "slate", "plaintext": "", "value": [ { "children": [ { "text": "" } ], "type": "p" } ] }, "79f0b1d0-ae06-4cd1-a5e9-bbd5504cb514": { "@type": "__grid", "columns": [ { "@type": "image", "alt": "", "block": "ed56543a-3a6a-4d56-8a03-b0905a1bb395", "id": "ed56543a-3a6a-4d56-8a03-b0905a1bb395", "url": "../../../resolveuid/3d62b534a88f4bcaa07f4f09d70bc1ce" }, { "@type": "text", "block": "da57175d-c26d-4758-9138-3d411e181f14", "id": "da57175d-c26d-4758-9138-3d411e181f14", "text": { "blocks": [ { "key": "8j13f", "text": "ROZE BUBBEL", "type": 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Keywords Nonbinary Queer Trans Gay Lesbian Mix