Roze Filmdagen Next Door: Henri Verhoef

In 2025, there is also a diverse fringe program where Roze Filmdagen, in addition to an online talk show, introduces visitors to new forms of storytelling through virtual reality films and an exhibition. In the latter, artist and photographer Henri Verhoef takes you on a journey to a futuristic version of Amsterdam.

In this version of Amsterdam, 750 years into the future, fluidity and radical self expression have changed humanity on a fundamental level. Verhoef's series of images showcase the inhabitants of this city made by fusing photographic techniques, image manipulation and artificial intelligence.

'The Gay Agenda: a Speculative Future' is linked to the 750 years celebration of the city of Amsterdam and a satirical critique on the current discours around the LGBTQ+ community.

Henri Verhoef - 'The Gay Agenda: A Speculative Future'
Opening on March 7 at 19:00
and after that daily from 13.00 - 17.00

From March 20 onward: 13.00 – 20.30
Free Entry

Click here for the press release pertaning to the exhibition

The virtual reality program will be open daily starting March 20th
from 13:00 – 20:30